4 posts tagged with "Range"
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6min read
November 28, 2023
Streamia vs. Black-Scholes Model: A Comparative Study
Have you ever wondered how selling traditional options priced via the Black-Scholes model compare to selling Panoptic options? We analyze hundreds of real LP positions across multiple Uniswap pools to find out.

9min read
October 31, 2023
How does LPing in Uniswap V3 compare to selling options in Panoptic?
Have you ever wondered how deploying a liquidity position in Uniswap V3 compares to selling Panoptic options? Spolier alert: you'd be better off with Panoptic

4min read
October 11, 2023
0DTEs on Uniswap – Insights from On-Chain LP data
LP positions are held for a short period of time – typically less than a day. We explore widths and holding time from the POV that LPs are option sellers with an implied expiry date.

2min read
January 18, 2023
How to Calculate your Price Range on Uniswap v3
What is the width of an LP position? We explain.