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Panoptic Blog
Discover the latest product features, cutting-edge technology, solutions, and news on our blog!
7min read
December 7, 2023
How To Open a Position on Panoptic
Discover how to navigate the world of DeFi options trading with Panoptic, a comprehensive guide for beginners and advanced traders alike, covering everything from connecting your wallet to executing sophisticated trading strategies.
6min read
November 28, 2023
Streamia vs. Black-Scholes Model: A Comparative Study
Have you ever wondered how selling traditional options priced via the Black-Scholes model compare to selling Panoptic options? We analyze hundreds of real LP positions across multiple Uniswap pools to find out.
9min read
October 31, 2023
How does LPing in Uniswap V3 compare to selling options in Panoptic?
Have you ever wondered how deploying a liquidity position in Uniswap V3 compares to selling Panoptic options? Spolier alert: you'd be better off with Panoptic
4min read
October 11, 2023
0DTEs on Uniswap – Insights from On-Chain LP data
LP positions are held for a short period of time – typically less than a day. We explore widths and holding time from the POV that LPs are option sellers with an implied expiry date.
17min read
September 7, 2023
Introducing Panoptic's Smart Contracts
Deep dive into Panoptic's code and architecture. Learn how to mint your first option on Panoptic directly with our smart contracts!
11min read
August 21, 2023
Panoptic Options Trading Strategies Series: Part II — The Covered Call and Active Position Management
The covered call strategy, actively managing your options position, and rolling options
4min read
August 5, 2023
Demystifying IL, LVR, JIT, and MEV
Demystifying impermanent loss, loss versus rebalancing, just in time liquidity, and maximal extractable value through the lens of Uniswap LPing as options selling.
5min read
July 20, 2023
Options Market Making in Panoptic
How Options Market Making Works in Panoptic
8min read
July 6, 2023
Expirationless Options (XPOs) – Will They Replace Perps In Crypto?
Perpetual options are the next big thing - here's why.